Kibbles and Bytes

2020 is Hindsight!

Written by Don Mayer | Dec 31, 2020 3:44:56 PM

In 2019 I got 46% right - let's see how I did in 2020

•.Apple stock will split and hit the equivalent of $350/share. yes
• Apple Watch will have blood sugar monitor - no
• Apple will make a surprising acquisition- no
• Apple will make progress on electric cars, AI and content that are reflected in products- yes
• Apple will introduce the fastest 5G cellphones on the planet-yes

• The Boston Celtics will win the NBA championship with 3 all stars- no :(
• The Chicago Cubs will make it to the World Series under new manager David Ross -just wait until next year
• The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo will see the USA win a record number of medals- No Olympics
• We will have a female head coach of a male sports team- no, but Kim Ng became the General Manager of the Miami Marlins
• You will be able to purchase single games of major sports to watch on TV or stream- yes

• 2020 will be the hottest year in recorded history- yes, although it may tie 2016
• There will be a snowfall in excess of 24 inches in Vermont- nope
• There will be a record number of Atlantic hurricanes- yes, we got to the Greek alphabet
• At least one community of 5000 or more will have to be abandoned due to climate change-not that I am aware of

• Yes, this is the year for confirmed alien contact- well, there was this Israeli scientist that said Trump was working with aliens underground on Mars but NO
• A woman will walk on the moon-no
• Artifacts on earth will be discovered to have extraterrestrial origin- do the monoliths count?
• Space X will blanket the low-earth orbit with enough satellites to give everyone in the world internet- getting there but not yet

• Bernie Sanders will be the Democratic nominee, have a female VP of color and win the election- no
• Trump will voluntarily leave office in the summer leaving the Republicans without a candidate-no
• Democrats will control the House and Senate in a huge blue wave- jury is out
• Mitch McConnell will be defeated in Kentucky-no
• There will be significant late-year attempts to unify the country-no

Small Dog Electronics

• Emily will lead the company to profitability- yes!
• Our old Waitsfield headquarters will be sold- yes, closing next week!
• Small Dog will find new investment capital- yes
• Small Dog will celebrate its 25th year!- Yes

I scored 38% so 2020 sucked, but we know that on so many levels.

I didn't predict a worldwide pandemic that killed millions, murder hornets, a political coup, locust swarms in Africa, a toilet paper shortage and hoarding, Trump praised the demon sperm "doctor", armed protestors mad about haircuts stormed a state capitol and a whole bunch of stuff that was on no one's 2020 bingo card!

Let's see how I can do with 2021!


• All Intel-based Macs will be discontinued

• Apple Watch will gain blood sugar monitor

• Apple AR glasses will debut

•Apple will not release a car

•Apple will make a surprising major acquisition



• There will be fans at major sporting events by summer

• The Boston Celtics will be in the NBA Finals

• The Chicago Cubs will not finish last place

• There will be March Madness


• Another record heat year

• Another record hurricane year

• Vermont will get a snowstorm of over 24 inches

• Vermont summer will be unusually hot

• It will be a record maple sugar season


• In an amazing feat of science 75% of the world's population is vaccinated against Covid-19

• There is a new pandemic that the world controls based upon experience with Covid-19

• There will be civil disturbances over who gets the Covid vaccine first


• A woman will walk on the moon

• Space X will do something amazing

• This year, yes this year, we will have confirmed extraterritorial contact


• Dems will control the senate by winning 2 seats in Georgia

• Washington, DC and Puerto Rico will become states

• Donald Trump will be the subject of criminal prosecution

• Joe Biden's approval rating will be over 50%

• The economy will come roaring back

Small Dog Electronics

• Our website will be responsible for 15% of our revenue

• We will introduce at least one new Small Dog product


• Most new movies will stream concurrently with theaters

• People will still wear masks to crowded events or while traveling

• Khadija Bangoura will graduate Boston University

• Denise (Sang Ae) will meet her twin sister and mother!

• 2021 will be a good year!